
Promotion of Design Industry Revitalization

Welcom GIDP

본문 시작

1. Promotion of Design Industry Revitalization

· Enhance the capabilities of small design professionals in the region by providing consumer-centered education and opportunities for them to learn rapidly changing design trends
· Hold competitions and exhibitions highlighting the characteristics of Gangwon-do and provide product development incentives for outstanding works.
· Providing various attractions to see and enjoy through design exhibition and experience programs for residents.
· Mobilize the design capabilities of Gangwon-do and revitalize design organizations through multi-disciplinary exchange networking programs
· Reinforce the foundation for revitalizing the local design industry through continuous networking
Period: Every year from 2020
Category: Gangwon-do – Consigned business
Project Details
  • (Enhance the capabilities of design professionals) Promote the revitalization of the design industry in the Gangwon region and strengthen the capabilities of small design professionals.
    • Training to enhance the competence and competitiveness of design professionals.
  • (Design exhibition, promotion, and commercialization) Overcome the gap in the poor regional design industry compared to the metropolitan area, improve design perception, and expand experience opportunities for provincial residents.
    • Promote a theme design contest related to Gangwon-do → Support the commercialization of excellent entries.
    • Run design exhibitions and children’s creative design experience programs for residents
  • (Promote design exchanges and cooperation network)Revitalize the design organization in the province by strengthening the exchange and cooperation system among design-related stakeholders and mobilizing Gangwon-do’s design capabilities
    • Run a multi-disciplinary exchange networking program among designers, design companies, small and medium-sized local companies, design-related academe, research institutes, etc.
    • Support the production and promotion of publications to publicize GIDP’s projects and achievements and to promote events.
Business Inquiries: Senior Researcher Kyung-cheol Shin, Policy Planning Team
  • (T. 070-7791-2696, E-mail